INTA33 – Innovation in urban services
World wide, there are about 557 000 local authorities that gather talent and investment. It is the biggest market in the world, but too often the private sector neglects the importance of this huge market. Cities are not anymore able to relaunch their economy alone so they need new mecanisme and some innovative companies could […]
INTA33 – Innovation and mobility
New relationship with mobility The question of transportation and mobility has been submitted to radical changes of uses and values. Indeed we could notice a new time relationship with an increase of time of transportation. One a the answer for a better mobility in our cities could be to use more this time of transportation […]
INTA33 – Innovative Urban Environments: final congress statement
Cities play a pivotal role in national economic growth. Large conurbations, in particular benefit from a large and skilled labour force, economic of scale and the agglomeration of business activities, has the efficiency due to the clustering of firms of the given industry or related industries, as well as demand for intermediate and consumer goods […]
Puebla – River as a leverage for regenerating the city
INTA33 – Innovation in governance and partnerships
Innovation comes from governance, but there are not intrinsic rules for governance. Governance is like architecture: it depends on each type of culture, and this is where we will find innovation. Innovation is collective intelligence and governance is part of this collective interaction. Cities are in worldwide competition without national affiliation. Urbanity is not nationality. […]
Urban Regeneration and Revitalization International Forum – Final declaration
The Federation of Real Estate Development Associations of Taiwan, the Real Estate Development Association of Taipei, the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (APAUD Lab, TAIWAN TECH), the Association of Glocal Development (AGLD), the Cross-Straits Federation for Planning and Industry for Urban and Rural Development and the International Urban Development Association, co-organizers of the […]