International Urban
Development Association

Towards an African Cities Development Fund

Africa currently has three cities with more than 10 million inhabitants (Cairo 17.7 million, Lagos 13.12 million, and Kinshasa 11.58 million); 4 cities where the population is between 5 and 10 million inhabitants; 49 cities with a population of 1 to 5 million; 53 cities with between 500,000 and 1 million inhabitants; and 85 cities […]

Profits without production: towards the financialization of the city

Article from ADP – Villes en développement //Learn More The financialisation of the city is a matter of concern for many players today. These include INTA – the International Urban Development Association – a global network of urban decision-makers and practitioners, from both the public and private sectors. Lola Davidson is the Association’s Deputy Secretary […]

Position Paper – Financialization and Planning

According to Forbes magazine, financialization is defined as the “growing scale and profitability of the finance sector at the expense of the rest of the economy and the shrinking regulation of its rules and returns.” The success or failure of the financial sector has had serious effect on the rest of the economy and most […]