INTA/UBAT Conference – Health, Wellness, Environment and Territory – September 23, 2022
September 23, 2022 – Conference “TAKING CARE OF THE HABITANTS“, in BARJOLS, Centre Elias room (Regional Water House). INTA continues to animate its cycle of

Board of Directors meeting on February 4, 2022
The President, in accordance with the statutes, convened the Governing Board meeting by mail and email. Agenda Approval of the Agenda Presentation of the new

Jean-Michel Evin – Offshore wind power in the Oleron sea…
Offshore wind power in the sea of Oleron or how to engage in a sterile confrontation under cover of a Public Debate organized on the

We are pleased to announce the launch of this INTA’s new website
INTA is evolving with the expectations of those who make the city. You will find information on the Association, our events and news, the network, the

General Assembly and Board of Directors meeting on November 9, 2021
The INTA members were asked to vote on the following items : Approval of the agenda, Approval of the minutes of the 2020 General Assembly

Accepting to live with intranquillity
INTA would like to thank Mr. Chapuis for his experienced view of the world of urban planning and the role that elected officials and citizens

Reconnecting health and urban planning
A quick overview of recent events in the world (deadly pollution, the increase in chronic diseases, epidemics linked to the invasion of certain species …)

Sustainable Mobility : What Common Challenges For Cities And Companies ?
How can public and private actors act together to promote sustainable mobility ? Thursday 8 April 2021, from 16:00 to 18:00 (CET). This session will