International Urban
Development Association

Helle Juul, Juul Frost architects – Architecture should be a proactive force for societal change

As urban, building, and landscape architects, we aim to contribute to new solutions that enhance health and sustainability. The green transition should serve as a catalyst for a new urban health culture. It requires interdisciplinary
collaborations and holistic solutions that address a wide range of challenges and create synergy between them.

2023 has been an exciting year at Juul Frost Architects, both in Denmark and internationally:

We have delivered lectures, presentations, and workshops in Denmark and abroad on ‘The Future Urban Health Culture.’
Our goal is to promote social, physical, and mental well-being in neighborhoods, residential areas, businesses, and campus environments.

We have also been busy with the DGNB certification of the Munkebjerg Park area for Barfoed Group.
This district encompasses 80,000 square meters of buildings, forming a dense and mixed-use neighborhood connected by green surroundings.
The DGNB certification is expected to be completed in 2024, making it the first of its kind in Denmark.

In 2023, we initiated ‘The Clay Alliance’ with the support of Realdania, collaborating with various builders and consultants.
The alliance explores how the use of rammed earth as a building material can reduce CO2 emissions. In 2024, we look forward to generating new knowledge and a concrete construction method through pilot projects.

Transformations are beneficial for both our climate and cultural heritage. In 2023, we transformed Harvings Pakhus, built in 1919 by the trading company H. Hennings & Harving, into a modern multi-user building in Copenhagen for Barfoed Group.
At Harvings Pakhus the common facilities strengthens social and professional exchange.

In the fall, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony! Carl Bro Haven, designed by Juul Frost Architects for ATP Ejendomme,
comprises a total of 198 new rental homes with green courtyards as focal points. Carl Bro Haven is set to be ready for its residents in 2024 and is expected to achieve a gold DGNB certification.

The construction process for the Enghave Brygge metro square, as well as roads and promenades for By og Havn and Metroselskabet, has also been initiated.
The metro square will become the district’s new focal point, with 230 new trees and bushes ensuring a green neighborhood: A stroll in the city park, trees along the roads, and green spaces promote our well-being.

In 2024, we look forward to setting new agendas: Our ambition is for the green transition to enhance people’s quality of life, health, and well-being.

CONTACT : Juul Frost Arkitekter A/S

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