International Urban
Development Association

INTA34 – Rethinking your urban region – Sessions reports

SUMMARY – Together we face the challenge of accelerating change and instantaneous communication, although the impact may be manifested differently in societies and places throughout the world. – Past concepts of an idealised β€˜utopia’ and old rule books are no longer relevant as management tools today. – Rather than be shaped and driven by change […]

Cities in Metropolitan Regions – International symposium on urbanism

The organisation of the metropolitan territory is a critical issue not only for the life of citizens, but also to ensure the efficient operations and relationship carried out every day by the various social and economic agents. Global trends such as globalisation, economic decline of developed economies, population shift and climate change are leading to […]

INTA34 – Rethinking your urban region – Final conclusions

Reinventing the Urban Region has been the main theme of the Congress and San Sebastian was the setting for this meeting which allowed to share successes and difficulties, doubts and hopes, but mostly provided INTA members and the gathered public a tremendous source of inspiration to reveal the potential of our urban areas. The territory […]