International Urban
Development Association

Metro in Progress – From strategies to implementation

Following a first series of meetings and interviews with a range of stakeholders from around the globe on metropolitan challenges and dilemmas, INTA and Deltametropolis Association decided to focus on the socio-economic development and governance of metropolitan regions in Europe. The metropolises that were selected for this roundtable in Brussels were chosen for their relatively […]

Villes en transition vers une économie verte

Le Séminaire international « Villes en transition vers une économie verte » a eu pour but de contribuer à la réflexion que la Région Piura mène sur la construction d’une économie verte dans le contexte du développement durable, c’est-à-dire le développement qui a pour objectif l’éradication de la pauvreté et la protection de l’environnement. L’objectif […]

Ciudades en transición hacia una economía verde

El Seminario internacional “Ciudades en transición hacia una economía verde” ha tenido por objetivo contribuir en la reflexión que la región Piura está llevando adelante respecto a la construcción de una economía verde en el contexto del desarrollo sostenible, es decir de un desarrollo que permita llegar a la erradicación de la pobreza y a […]

Reinventing centralities: urban regeneration and mobility

The metropolitan areas are irrigated by flows that determine its economic vitality, its inclusion in a regional or global system, and the quality of life of its inhabitants. A Metropolis is not a place one can draw; it is a condition one can describe. The new spatial organisation leads on one side to a concentration […]

New Metropolitan Synergies – Roundtable Kaohsiung

19-20 August 2010 Kaohsiung, Taiwan The administrative environment in Taiwan is going through major transformations with the merging of cities and counties to give birth to metropolitan jurisdictions. These new territories are confronted with new development challenges: how to take advantage of the new structure and of the potential synergies of the larger urban region. […]

Urban Regeneration and Revitalization International Forum – Final declaration

The Federation of Real Estate Development Associations of Taiwan, the Real Estate Development Association of Taipei, the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (APAUD Lab, TAIWAN TECH), the Association of Glocal Development (AGLD), the Cross-Straits Federation for Planning and Industry for Urban and Rural Development and the International Urban Development Association, co-organizers of the […]