Lisbon and Oeiras – from March 9 to 11, 2023.
“From the City to the Civitas“: taking care of the City and giving it back to its inhabitants
In the face of the increasing number of ruptures, INTA 45 questions the transformations, if not the ruptures, which we are witnessing rather than acting upon, and which concern, among other things, environmental health, the housing-work relationship, transport and active mobility, sustainable construction and real estate, new territorial geographies and ways of living, all subjects considered to be necessary factors for the vitality and well-being of a territory.
In a global context of social, economic and environmental crisis, but also political and military crisis, what are the ruptures/transitions that must take place in order to move from the city to the town?
These sectoral transformation objectives are related to interdependent sectors that need to evolve; they can be grouped or expanded according to circumstances: health-food-agriculture, innovation-local economy-employment, construction-housing-development, active mobility-urban logistics, etc.
The agenda of local leaders also includes questions that go beyond the urban framework:
- How should territories be organised to achieve greater solidarity between them and to make public action more effective, starting with health and well-being, in the broad sense, including the environment and food: what visions, what tools?
- Conducting development more on the basis of the territory and its inhabitants than on the basis of regulatory frameworks and administrative or institutional perimeters, which have shown their limits during the crisis: can we still live in a metropolis and a city?
- Organise transactions between territories around chains of solidarity and complementarities born of the social pressures linked to the various crises. How can social innovation be encouraged to renew partnerships between institutional actors and the initiative of inhabitants?
- Mobility and territory: the local turn; the effects of disruptions are pushing for a reduction in motorised mobility. How to articulate the different modes of travel in a mobility basin, which must serve centres, suburbs and peripheries that are increasingly distant from each other.
These themes of the 45th Congress, designed to enlighten local elected representatives on the nature and extent of the changes to be made, overlap, are enriched by differences and open up new perspectives. They will be addressed simultaneously, in a synthetic and systemic manner.
INTA 45 Program
Thursday, March 9 – Lisbon Town Hall – Praça do Município, Lisboa
11h00 – 13h00 – General Assembly of INTA – Lisbon Town Hall
14h00 – 15h00 – Registration and reception of participants
15h00 – 16h00 – Opening session – Fernando Nunes da Silva (President of INTA, researcher at CiTUA, IST), Teresa Almeida (President of the CCDRLVT – Coordination and Regional Development Commission of Lisbon and Tagus Valley), Isaltino Morais (Mayor of Oeiras), Carlos Moedas (Mayor of Lisbon).
16h00 – 16h30 – Inaugural lecture – Alfonso Vegara (Architect and urban planner, President of the Metropoli Foundation at Madrid, former President of AIU/ISoCaRP).
“The search for new territorial balances: city and peripheries towards healthier and sustainable spaces”.
16h30 – 17h15 – Thematic conference – Francesc Ventura (Architect and urban planner, founder of “Eficiencia Locacional” at Barcelona, former Director General of Architecture and Housing of the Government of Catalonia, former president of FIHUAT).
“The post-COVID city: the new challenges of the built environment and mobility”
17h15 – 18h30 – Theme 1: “Territories and Health: well-being, innovation and urban agriculture”
Helle Juul (Architect, Arkitekt MAA, Ph.D., CEO Juul/Frost Arkitekter, Copenhagen), Kerri Farnsworth (Urban planner, founding director, PhD student in Spatial Planning, IST), Miguel Amado (Professor at IST – University of Lisbon, researcher at CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability).
Moderator – Representative of Oeiras municipality
18h30 – 19h00 – Debate
19h00 – 20h00 – Reception “Port of Honor”
19h45 – Departure of buses to hotels in Oeiras
Friday, March 10 – Temple of Poetry, Oeiras.
9h00 – 9h45 – Thematic conference – Hans Christian Christiansen (Senior advisor, Smart City Lab, Municipality of Copenhagen).
« More intelligent, open and participatory urban management ».
9h45 – 10h30 – Theme 2: “Public participation and social mobilization in the digital age for a healthier and more cohesive city”
Robert Olivier (Political scientist and President of the Jacques Cartier Centre Foundation, Montreal, Canada), Diana Alejandra Rodríguez (Director of the Administrative Department of the Office of the Public Space of Bogotá), Michel Sudarskis (Former INTA Secretary general).
Moderator – Jorge Gonçalves (Professor at IST – University of Lisbon, researcher at CITUA – Centre for Innovation in Territory, Urban Planning and Architecture).
10h30 – 11h00 – Debate
11h00 – 11h15– Coffee break
11h15 – 11h45 – Thematic conference – Henk Bouwman (Architect and urban planner, secretary general of METREX – Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas).
“Living in cities and metropolises: what future?”
11h45 – 12h30 – Theme 3: “Sustainable housing: urban regeneration, sobriety and accessible housing finance policies”
Christophe Lamontre (Architect and urban planner, former asset manager and director of project management at RATP), Filipa Roseta (Deputy Mayor for Housing at the municipality of Lisbon), Joana Baptista (Deputy Mayor at the municipality of Oeiras).
Moderator – Eduarda da Silva Costa (Professor and researcher at IGOT – Institute of Geography and Territory Management – University of Lisbon)
12h30 – 13h00 – Debate
13h00 – 14h30 – Lunch on site
14h30 – 15h15 – Thematic conference – João Pedro Costa (Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon, former deputy mayor of Lisbon, architect and urban planner).
“The city and water: the challenges of climate change”
15h15- 16h15 – Theme 4 – “The city and water: riverbanks, coasts, blue and green corridors”
Isabel Loupa Ramos (Professor at IST – University of Lisbon, researcher at CITUA – Centre for Innovation in Territory, Urban Planning and Architecture), Rita Justesen (Head of Planning and Sustainability, City and Port of Copenhagen), Myriam Arabian (General Coordinator of the Cleaning Service of Puebla, Mexico and Secretariat of the Environment), Carlos Correia (President of the board of the Port of Lisbon).
Moderator – Paulo Pardelha (Architect and urban planner, Director of the Department of Urban Planning at the municipality of Lisbon)
16h15 – 16h30 – Debate
16h30 – 17h00 – Coffee break.
17h00 – 18h00 – Roundtable: “Crisis management and urban projects: another possibility of complementarity?”
Maurice Charrier (Former president of INTA, former Mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin and former Vice-President of the Grand Lyon, responsible for Urbanism and Spatial Planning Policy), Didier Drummond (Architect and urban planner), Sabina Mujkic (Researcher at Urban Planning Institute of Slovenia), Joana Almeida (Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning at the municipality of Lisbon).
Moderator – Michel Sudarskis (Former secretary general of INTA) / Jakub Mazur (President of METREX- Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas).
18h00 – 19h00 – Closing session – Fernando Nunes da Silva (President of INTA, CiTUA/IST), José António Lameiras (Engineer and urban planner, President of APU – Portuguese Association of Urban Planners), Teresa Heitor (Professor at IST and President of CiTUA), representative of Lisbon municipality, Isaltino Morais (Mayor of Oeiras).
20h00 – 22h30 – Congress dinner – Cellar of thePalace of the Marquis of Pombal, Oeiras (Prior registration – 30€).
Saturday, March 11
9h30 – 12h30 – Alternative study visits (prior registration):
- Lisbon waterfront and Parc des Nations district.
- Pedestrian and bicycle axis on the Jamor riverbank, municipal residential areas in Politeira (Barcarena) and youth housing in Oeiras.
- Boat trip in the Tagus and visit to the port of Lisbon.

Sponsors: Municipality of Lisbon, Municipality of Oeiras, Port of Lisbon, CiTUA/IST.