45th Congress of INTA – From the City to the Civitas

The 45th Congress of the International Urban Development Association (INTA) was held in Portugal in Lisbon and Oeiras – Costa do Sol / Sun Coast – from March 9 to 11, 2023 on the theme : “From the City to the City” : taking care of the City and giving it back to its inhabitants […]
INTA 45º Congresso programa

Lisboa – Costa do Sol – de 9 a 11 de março de 2023 “Da Cidade à Civitas”: cuidar da Cidade e devolvê-la aos seus habitantes Quinta-feira, 9 de março Paços do Concelho de Lisboa – Praça do Município, Lisboa 11h00 – 13h00 – Assembleia Geral da INTA – Paços do Concelho de Lisboa 14h00 – 15h00 – […]
45th Congress of INTA program

Lisbon and Oeiras – from March 9 to 11, 2023. “From the City to the Civitas“: taking care of the City and giving it back to its inhabitants In the face of the increasing number of ruptures, INTA 45 questions the transformations, if not the ruptures, which we are witnessing rather than acting upon, and which […]