International Urban
Development Association



One can only hope that snow will fall across the land this season. The picture above, however, is from Latvia, where snow has been applied to grace the landscape. We participated in an open international competition to transform The Great Cemetery in Riga, the historic capital of Latvia. Our proposal was awarded third place, and we are proud of this achievement. The cemetery holds a central place in Riga, and our vision honored this by opening it further to the local community – creating space for both memories and recreation.

Standing at the beginning of a new year also means reflecting on the year that’s ending.
We are looking back on an eventful 2024.

Here are three out of many highlights from 2024:

Last year’s Christmas greeting featured a sketch of Enghave Brygge Metro Square. This year, it was completed. This summer, it was inaugurated by one of the year’s most prominent figures: His Majesty the King of Denmark. After all, it’s called Kongens Enghave (The King’s Meadow) for a reason…

Speaking of summer, we were at the sunny island of Bornholm along shorts and sun hats. We went to participate in debates at Folkemødet. We had the opportunity to present Mary’s Magical Gardens and discuss how architecture can combat loneliness with BL – Danmarks Almene Boliger. It was also a chance to gather feedback from attendees, which broadens our perspectives.
A great experience. Perhaps we’ll see you on the sunny and rocky island in the new year?

Carl Bro Haven, also known as The Pine Forest, is not only a name that instantly brings Christmas vibes but also a new residential area near Vestskoven around Glostrup. The first residents moved in during the second half of 2024 and are likely preparing to celebrate their very first Christmas in their new homes.

This year also brought a sustainable milestone. As the first district in Denmark, Munkebjerg Park achieved DGNB certification. A whole district meeting DGNB sustainability standards, creating better conditions for residents, the local community, and the environment. This is the path towards sustainable living.

Did we missed anything… oh yes!

JUUL FROST Architects was founded in 1994. This means we turned 30 this year! Normally, we’re not an industry why pass a chance to celebrate ourselves, but we did this time. Maybe you’ll join us in celebrating our 31st next year?

That was 2024. Now we look forward to 2025 together with you.

Although predicting the future is difficult, we know that the The Urban Health Culture of the Future remains a guiding star for us. The goal is still for architecture to promote social, physical, and mental well-being.

The new year is also bringing more clay our way with the The Rammed Earth Alliance, where we’re taking the lead as an architectural studio. Things are looking bright for the future!

Until then, we hope you get into the Christmas spirit.

All the best to you and yours.

Thank you for another great year.

All the best

Helle Juul
Arkitekt MAA, MNAL  Ph.D., CEO

By-, Bygnings- og Landskabsarkitekter

Helle Juul, Ph.D. & Flemming Frost – Arkitekter MAA/DANSKE ARK
Refshalevej 147 – 1432 København K – Danmark
Tel: +45 32 95 95 78
[email protected] –

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