International Urban
Development Association


INTA39 - GIVING THE CITY BACK TO ITS INHABITANT: Climate, Habitat, Development goals -Report

The challenges of sustainable development have never been as acute as now, with high risks of severe  fractures: environmental and energy transitions, brutal and massive migrations, social and territorial  inequalities, shortages of public fundingfor urban development...

Between the recent conferences on the Millennium Development Goals in New York, the Climate  Conference in Paris and Habitat 3 planned in Quito in 2016, INTA intends to play its role as a provider  of additional insights into the key issues that shape how the city of tomorrow will be like.

Furthermore, a consultation carried out by the Scientific Committee of INTA showed that, in this  increasingly digital age, one can witness both the introduction of a higher margin of autonomy for local authorities in relation to the State, as well as the desire for greater involvement of citizens at the  neighborhood level.

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