Pont de Claix – Imagining the town within the future metropolitan area
The scope and responsibilities of Grenoble-Alpes Métropole (the urban area authority) are to be extended, calling into question the relationship between the dense city centre and the suburban areas to the south, in which the town of Pont-de-Claix occupies a strategic position alongside the “South Hub” of the urban area and the cantons of Vif, […]
Imaginer la ville à l’échelle de la métropole de demain – Pont de Claix
Au terme de ces journées d’auditions et de travail de co-conception et co-production entre équipes locales et panel international, le fait le plus évident est la diversité des échelles de développement et les jeux complexes d’acteurs qui interdisent toute solution simplificatrice. Ainsi en est-il du contraste entre une collectivité qui veut se donner les moyens […]
INTA38 – FUTURE SMART CITY DEVELOPMENT : Social, territorial and technological innovation – Report
The smart city is here! But didn’t we have that before? The century which we have left had modernism as their smart city movement. We developed well planned cities by means of rational blue print planning: ringroads, central business districts (CBD’s), in short: the CIAM prescriptive. And what did we get? Congestion,pollution, segregation, inequality. Yes, […]