International Urban
Development Association


INTA38 - FUTURE SMART CITY DEVELOPMENT : Social, territorial and technological innovation - Report

The smart city is here! But didn’t we have that before? The century which we have left had modernism as their smart city movement. We developed well planned cities by means of rational blue print planning: ringroads, central business districts (CBD’s), in short: the CIAM prescriptive.

And what did we get? Congestion,pollution, segregation, inequality. Yes, the city is back on the map, all over the world. And it’s doing fairly well but there are a lot of problems to be solved. But the cities, are not only the problem, they are also the solution. Mitigation and adaptation of climate change, energy transition, clean tech, smarter mobility, in all cases we need the city’s playground, the knowledge, the capital and the smart people to develop better, more sustainable solutions.

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