INTA42 – Technical visit 4: Sustainable mobility – Integrated public transport : advantage for completing urban development
Rostock as a regiopole and a medium sized city with 210.000 inhabitants has to face typical challenges like similar cities all over Europe. • too much car traffic, traffic jam, traffic noise, air pollution, traffic accidents, too much space for cars instead for living (see city harbour) • 50.000 commuters daily (30.000 in, 20.000 out) […]
INTA42 – Technical visit 3: Reducing spatial inequalities – inclusive neighbourhoods
Slideshow presentation Speakers: Thorsten Gebhards Rostock’s Company for urban renewal, urban development and housing construction with LtD (RGS) Christian Hanke Neighbourhood manager Dierkow “Volkssolidarität“ district chapter city of Rostock registered association begegnungszentrum-dierkow/ Barbara Genschow Institute of Economics for Market Research, Evaluation, Structure Ellen Fiedelmeier & Maria Schulz Entrepreneur Association Rostock Mecklenburg-West Pomerania […]
INTA42 – Technical visit 2: Nurturing the hidden champions of medium-sized cities, case Regiopolis Rostock
How Regiopolis Rostock can become more successful in the competition for talents, experts and high potentials? First steps towards a strategy: Living close to the city center and working on “high potentials with entrepreneurial affinity” fare from usual “technology center approach” and the usual middle class´ individual solutions: Constitution and settlement of a metropolitan city […]
INTA42 – Technical visit 1: Creation of urban value: waterfront renewal
Regiopole Rostock is a growing and prosperous community. Rostock prepares its quantum leap: the city center of the polycentric city is to be extended. According to development studies Rostock and its catchment area serve about 550.000 inhabitants. The historic inner city center and its western outskirts have been renewed during last 28 years. To raise […]
INTA41 – Partnerships for sustainable cities and communities – Report
This Congress organised alongside the City of Malmö and the Nordic City Network, was an opportunity to share experience and good practice with city leaders and urban practitioners from around the globe – 23 countries were represented. The sessions featured thematic discussions on partnerships for sustainable cities and communities with technical visits and workshops demonstrating […]
INTA39 – GIVING THE CITY BACK TO ITS INHABITANT: Climate, Habitat, Development goals -Report
The challenges of sustainable development have never been as acute as now, with high risks of severe fractures: environmental and energy transitions, brutal and massive migrations, social and territorial inequalities, shortages of public fundingfor urban development… Between the recent conferences on the Millennium Development Goals in New York, the Climate Conference in Paris and Habitat […]
INTA38 – FUTURE SMART CITY DEVELOPMENT : Social, territorial and technological innovation – Report
The smart city is here! But didn’t we have that before? The century which we have left had modernism as their smart city movement. We developed well planned cities by means of rational blue print planning: ringroads, central business districts (CBD’s), in short: the CIAM prescriptive. And what did we get? Congestion,pollution, segregation, inequality. Yes, […]
INTA37 – Developing sustainable and resilient cities: new urban policy, new business agenda
Cities around the world are facing growing levels of social unrest over rising inequality, austerity, unemployment, political inefficiency and institutional failure. These social movements reflects the shift of power away from traditional institutions first towards communities and individuals, but also to businesses whose leaders understand and act on the big trends shaping our future. The […]
INTA34 – Rethinking your urban region – Final conclusions
Reinventing the Urban Region has been the main theme of the Congress and San Sebastian was the setting for this meeting which allowed to share successes and difficulties, doubts and hopes, but mostly provided INTA members and the gathered public a tremendous source of inspiration to reveal the potential of our urban areas. The territory […]
INTA 33 – Innovation and Urban Sustainability
Identifying problems and coming up with solutions are at the basis of human success . Crisis and innovation are thus closely interlinked.The feeding ground for innovation is most fertile in state of crisis. “The bigger the problem, the bigger the need for new, viable ideas and thus the likelier the success of innovation.” (Mart Grisel) […]