International Urban
Development Association

45th Congress of INTA – From the City to the Civitas

The 45th Congress of the International Urban Development Association (INTA) was held in Portugal in Lisbon and Oeiras – Costa do Sol / Sun Coast – from March 9 to 11, 2023 on the theme :

“From the City to the City” : taking care of the City and giving it back to its inhabitants


O 45º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento Urbano (INTA) realizou-se em Portugal, em Lisboa – Costa do Sol – de 9 a 11 de março de 2023, sobre o tema

Da Cidade à Civitas” : cuidar da Cidade e devolvê-la aos seus habitantes


Le 45ème Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour le développement urbain (INTA) s’est tenu au Portugal à Lisbonne et à Oeiras – Costa do Sol / Côte du Soleil – du 9 au 11 mars 2023, sur le thème :

“De la Ville à la Cité” : prendre soin de la Ville et la redonner à ses habitants

Sponsors INTA45

Ville de Lisbonne | Ville d’Oeiras | Centre for Innovation in Territory, Urbanisme and Architecture |
Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa |
Porto de Lisboa

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2 views – Christer Sweden / John Pløger, Norway Date: 20 February 2025 from 16:00 to 17:00: by video conference The INTA conference kicked off

Message from Fernando Nunes da Silva

Dear colleagues of INTA After a few challenging years for our association, we have managed to overcome the difficulties, and at the last General Assembly