International Urban
Development Association


INTA42 - Technical visit 1: Creation of urban value: waterfront renewal

Regiopole Rostock is a growing and prosperous community. Rostock prepares its quantum leap: the city center of the polycentric city is to be extended. According to development studies Rostock and its catchment area serve about 550.000 inhabitants. The historic inner city center and its western outskirts have been renewed during last 28 years. To raise the Regiopolis Inner City standards the plan is to locate high-end urban functions on the river  bank in such a way that the river becomes a connecting element between the different development sites.

For decades, the river and its shore-line areas have been almost completely neglected and (mis)used for low urban functions, missing strong economy and clear development goals. Now there is the historic opportunity to integrate the eastern (in general of poorer urban qualities) and western parts of the city, to develop an higher InnerCity attractiveness, a step towards the future center of a northern German Regiopole in the Baltic Sea Region. Increasing the density of the urban Inner City and its surrounding does not mean “loss of green and water areas”; we will counter the evidence by extension. [...]

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