International Urban
Development Association


The 45th Congress of the International Urban Development Association (INTA) was held in Portugal in Lisbon and Oeiras – Costa do Sol / Sun Coast – from March 9 to 11, 2023 on the theme “From the City to the City” : taking care of the City and giving it back to its inhabitants.

Encontre mais informações sobre as discussões e conclusões do 45º congresso na lista abaixo

Find more information on the discussions and conclusions of 45th congress in the list below

Retrouvez les discussions et conclusions du 45 ème Congrès ci-dessous  :

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What is Urban Health Culture?

2 views – Christer Sweden / John Pløger, Norway Date: 20 February 2025 from 16:00 to 17:00: by video conference The INTA conference kicked off

Message from Fernando Nunes da Silva

Dear colleagues of INTA After a few challenging years for our association, we have managed to overcome the difficulties, and at the last General Assembly